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Title: Semantic Web & Linked Data on User Interfaces & Logic Services
Authors: Valadakis, Ioannis
Ασκούνης Δημήτριος
Keywords: Semantic Web Components
Dynamic representation Front-End Framework
Logic Services and Business Logic to RDF
Semantics on User Interfaces
Semantics Front-End tools and framework
Linked Data representation Algorithm
Open Data dynamic Handling
Issue Date: 21-Nov-2019
Abstract: Semantic Data has been a part of web to structure the information provided from end points of any type and interact with users via interfaces. The Web through the ages has changed its form to be handled and managed by automated procedures and systems that use it. In current document we will mention some of the technologies provided in now days and how they apply on Linked Data Applications. In Chapter 1 we will mention some of the technologies that are in use from today’s environments on computer science, linked data design issues and standards, their lifecycle on the web and some advantages they offer on automated procedures and artificial intelligence. Chapter 2 describes analog needs and logics and how they can be implemented by user interfaces and programmers. Also, it describes formats of JSON-LD, CSV & TSV and XML that can be used to collect and process the Linked Data. At the end we describe some issues on a programming approach. On Chapter 3 we discuss and present the architectural strategies and patters of a solution that uses Semantic technologies, and how they apply on a User Interface using JavaScript objects and functions. Chapter 4 provides an analysis of an implementation of a Books library example providing information gathered from DBpedia endpoint as a triplestore using entities and classes. It analysis basic views provided from a flux implementation and presents the basic components and functionality of gathering handling and constructing information of Linked Data. On Chapter 5 the document analyses the approach we offered and provides a conclusion of the generic implementation we presented. Finally, on Chapter 6 we mention expands and future attachments that can be added to the generic solution we offered. Target of current document is to analyze the usage of Open Data on the web and how they can be managed with a generic solution on an interface. It also describes a solution using flux architectural pattern of Facebook that complies with semantic infrastructure and needs and has been implemented for a thesis purpose.
Appears in Collections:Διπλωματικές Εργασίες - Theses

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